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Lake Mildred: A Hidden Gem in the Hamma Hamma Recreation Area

Lake Mildred, a secluded alpine lake in the Hamma Hamma Recreation Area, is a destination that promises solitude and natural beauty. This article takes you on a virtual tour of this hidden gem in the Olympic National Forest.

The Journey to Lake Mildred

The adventure to Lake Mildred begins with a challenging hike that is as rewarding as it is demanding. The trail to the lake is not officially constructed and is maintained only by the footsteps of hikers and fishermen who have traversed it over the years1. It’s a root-strewn climb that requires a map, compass, and solid route-finding skills. The elevation gain is significant, with the trail climbing steeply, descending, and then ascending again before finally reaching the lake1.

A Wilderness Experience

Lake Mildred is one of two locations that help create the Hamma Hamma River, and its remote nature ensures that it sees very few visitors2. Those who do make the journey will find themselves surrounded by the breathtaking wilderness of the Olympic Peninsula. The lake is loved by fishing enthusiasts, day hikers, and backpackers alike, offering a wild destination far from the beaten path2.

Fishing in Pristine Waters

Anglers will find Lake Mildred to be a rewarding spot for fishing, with the lake’s clear waters home to a variety of fish species. The sense of remoteness adds to the fishing experience, allowing for a peaceful day spent in nature’s embrace2.

Flora and Fauna

The area surrounding Lake Mildred is rich in biodiversity, with several bioregions including alpine lakes, meadows, old-growth forests, and rocky mountain outcrops3. The diverse habitats support a wide range of wildlife and plant species, making it an excellent location for nature photography and wildlife observation.

Planning Your Visit

Before setting out to Lake Mildred, it’s important to prepare for the backcountry conditions. Ensure you have the proper gear, check the weather forecast, and familiarize yourself with the trail. The Hamma Hamma Recreation Area is accessible from Hoodsport, WA, by following US Highway 101 North to North Hamma Hamma Road (Forest Service Road 25) for 6 miles3.

Conclusion: An Unspoiled Retreat

Lake Mildred in the Hamma Hamma Recreation Area is a testament to the unspoiled beauty of the Pacific Northwest. It offers a true wilderness experience for those willing to undertake the journey. Whether you’re casting a line into its clear waters, capturing the beauty of the landscape through a lens, or simply soaking in the tranquility, Lake Mildred is a destination that should be on every outdoor enthusiast’s list312.

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