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The Evolution of Point of Cumming: A Hood Canal Legacy

Nestled along the picturesque shores of Hood Canal, the area known today as Point of Cumming holds a rich tapestry of history that mirrors the evolution of the Pacific Northwest. Once referred to as Cummings Point, this landmark has witnessed the ebb and flow of time, standing as a silent testament to the region’s vibrant past.

A Fjord’s Tale: Hood Canal, a natural fjord-like arm of western Puget Sound, stretches over 110 km, with its large 180-degree bend known as the Great Bend1The canal itself was named by Royal Navy Captain George Vancouver in 1792, in honor of Admiral Lord Samuel Hood2. Over the years, the canal has seen its fair share of history, from serving as a strategic location for the U.S. Navy to being a hub for the timber and fishing industries that flourished in the region.

Point of Cumming: A Modern Moniker: The modern name, Point of Cumming, reflects a contemporary shift in the area’s identity. While the original name, Cummings Point, harkens back to an era of exploration and early settlement, the updated nomenclature embraces the present-day community’s connection to the land and waterways.

Cultural and Environmental Significance: Point of Cumming is more than just a geographical feature; it is a cultural touchstone for the local communities, including the Port Gamble S’Klallam and Skokomish Tribes. These tribes, in cooperation with the Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group and the Point No Point Treaty Council, have utilized old maps to understand the canal’s historical landscape3. This endeavor not only aids in preserving the cultural heritage but also plays a crucial role in environmental conservation efforts, particularly in maintaining the health of the salmon populations that are integral to the ecosystem.

A Living History: Today, Point of Cumming continues to evolve, reflecting the dynamic nature of Hood Canal. It serves as a reminder of the region’s history while also symbolizing the ongoing story of the people and the environment. As we look to the future, Point of Cumming stands as a beacon of the Pacific Northwest’s enduring legacy, inviting us to explore, reflect, and preserve the narratives etched along its shores.

In the end, whether it is called Cummings Point or Point of Cumming, this locale remains a cherished part of Hood Canal’s history, offering a window into the past and a vision for the future. It is a place where history is not just remembered but is actively lived and honored by those who call it home.